So far only because of Firefox. Get everything else off apt
So far only because of Firefox. Get everything else off apt
Been using Ubuntu for a bit but mint does sound like a good next step if I decide to swap.
I’m using Ubuntu across a few devices atm. All the arch memes and the sleeplessness just drove me to go find out what the fuss was all about.
I’m also realising this rabbit hole with every second I spend on Lemmy. Hell I was reading up on arch at 2 am last night when I couldn’t get to sleep….
Work believe it not. Been trying to fiddle around and get an integration working so the team working on it don’t take 3 times the effort. I really should let go and let them try it out themselves but it’s a fun distraction.
Fk me. I just saw an Nvidia package in my apt upgrade. Am I going to be screwed ?
What’s the average wage in $ in Japan compared to the states?
Jokes on me, my humour isn’t funny; just annoying. 💀
Dunno, just can’t get my brain to switch off. I’ll get close to the sleep state but then just can’t put the final light out to actually fall asleep. Not much of an issue when not on Vyvanse. Generally tapers as I continue taking Vyvanse through the days, i.e. by day 3/4 of continuously taking it sleep comes back to normal and I don’t have any issues at all.
I hear what you mean by the severe energy crash though, and the irritability and or craving for things I probably shouldn’t be indulging in like booze or weed.
Wish I could say the same about sleep. Vyvanse really fucks mine up. Even if I miss a dose for a day. Takes ages for my body to get used to it before I can start sleeping normally (?) again.
This is sarcasm right? Right?
Not under my real name or email. Deleted FB over a decade ago but friends insisted I have an account so they’re able to send me events etc.
2007? Drunk me posted the opening lyrics of feel good Inc as my fake facebook status update 2 days ago. Happy holidays indeed.
do they not feel weird having a company keep their files on some drive they’ll never see?
It’s not just some drive, it’s one drive!
do they even know this is what’s happening?
Take a wild guess…
Your average pc/tech user is so far removed from having or needing any tech knowledge. Convenience is everything. As long as it works, who cares how it works… and that’s how we ended up with basically everyone walking around with devices in our pockets that can track our location in real time, have microphones which are always on and listening, with cameras that point directly at our faces when we use said devices.
ADHD etc. I know, but my brain says do a risk/issue impact analysis and do prioritise
Google seems to suggest they’re some sort of fintech company out of South Africa? Either way if that’s their product then I’d run a mile in the other direction, and then another just be sure.
Can someone explain Snoop Dogg’s relevance to the olympics or any form of Olympic sports?
Is this from somewhere? Otherwise I commend you for still having memories from a time where you were a heavy smoker. My short term memory is shot to shit most days and I’m currently dealing with this dilemma along with my SO
Edit: thanks for the answers. Looks like I missed out on some quality children’s stories in my childhood 🥲
Exactly why I can’t do audiobooks.