that’s a bit of a loaded response. Do you not consider fighting for your rights a political subject? note how i didn’t comment on said rights.
questionable correlation between the words “raw dogging” and the pfp. Having said that, this only applies to school, IRL, its shit.
yeah was going to say. I do not endorse this.
do you know what MKULTRA is?
Thanks, i touch grass every day.
well, im glad you guys have a cause to fight for, ill just sit my ass on my computer and browse the internet.
It wasn’t as bad as i thought it was going to be.
im aware. I just don’t like jumping to conclusions.
That’s not 100% true. i’m frustrated with my goverment in some aspects, but bombing it wouldn’t fix my problems.
that doesn’t bode well for vaccines, but we will see what that means for masks.
ill wait and see with him. hes a geriatric tv host.
did he say that though?
I would be saddened and disgusted if my parliament office in my country was bombed.
yeah. yuck. I prefer the Italian national anthem.
mabye in your circles but no one here gives a shit other than the drunks on the street.
I’m starting to believe cultural marxism the more your group goes down this path…
uhhh…i was explicitly mentioning they CAN with her crossed eye tounge sticking out.