The Moriori people of the Chatham Islands placed their dead in a sitting position … strapped to young trees in the forest. In time, the tree grew into and through the bones, making them one.
This is gonna bring back the nightmares I had after watching Raised by Wolves Season 2
I… Don’t get it? Did the logger just run away? I don’t see him in the trunk…
He ain’t gettin’ paid enough for this shit.
Fuckin A, are any of us? 😂
Once upon a time, because I thought I was hard to gross-out, and because I thought it might pay enough, I did consider a career in crime scene clean-up. I didn’t delve too deep into it though/never seriously considered it; more of like… if ever my current-job carpet ever got pulled out from under me and I had no skills elsewhere.
I once thought of that, too! It’s apparently almost more about personality traits than past experience. The same goes for 911 dispatcher jobs, it seems.
He got scared
Needs more motion lines.
Is this Loss?
They’ll simply come back with bulldozers…