No problem! I’ve similar goals, though I tend to be too exhausted in my free time as of late. The 6 series are a bit long in the tooth at this point (there’s 3 or 4 newer generations). They probably won’t give amazing performance, though they’re still used in logic analyzers. Probably great to learn on though.
Mad that FPGA looks pretty cheap to toy around with thanks for letting me know!
I dream of making a SBC that has an FPGA and modular cable system to emulate as many device interfaces as possible
No problem! I’ve similar goals, though I tend to be too exhausted in my free time as of late. The 6 series are a bit long in the tooth at this point (there’s 3 or 4 newer generations). They probably won’t give amazing performance, though they’re still used in logic analyzers. Probably great to learn on though.