It’s a lot quieter since the election. Almost like they were, paid or not, bad faith actors with one goal.
I happen to be of the opinion that they were all, or almost all, just useful idiots who truly believe that Trump winning would result in the FALL OF THE AMERIKKKAN EMPIRE and subsequently some kind of world socialist revolution. Instead of, you know, Trump’s slump just being sludging up all extant institutions and encouraging crony capitalism and repression of workers’ movements the world over.
I mean, they probably still believe that, for that matter, but being confronted with the reality of ushering in fascism triggers some cognitive dissonance with their performative allyship, and they don’t like that.
I say this with no sense of irony or desire for the fall to happen; but he hasn’t even taken office yet, time will tell [sigh].
I still struggle with the internal conflict of 1) wanting this to all just work out and we come out the other side 4 years from now with our democracy intact, albeit with a lot of changes I disagree with or 2) hoping for stage 2 of FAaFO to unleash the leopards while I laugh and the idiots who voted against their own best interests cry that their faces are being eaten. The human in me really hopes for the former, but the wanna-be-standup-comedian in me has a darker heart.
I say this with no sense of irony or desire for the fall to happen; but he hasn’t even taken office yet, time will tell [sigh].
Oh yeah, my point isn’t that they haven’t ‘succeeded’ in that goal of seeing the US collapse; they very well may have depending on how things shake out. My point is only that their actual motivations were not, largely, their stated motivations, and the starkness of what is facing minorities in the US now makes them uncomfortable, knowing that this is what they were cheerleading for. And also that the collapse of the US isn’t going to look anything like they think it will.
ahh gotcha. 100% agree! aka FO in full effect haha
Sounds like there was a wave of bannings too, judging by the comments.
There will be plenty of topics to come that will provide similar outlets considering what is pending.
It is extreme derangement to support a war on Russia that is making Russia stronger, and creating inflation in west. Making neocon evil a liberal identity because of the perception that Trump criticizes the stupidity is being victimized by disinformation and neocon manipulation. Public is too dumb to not hear 20 years of propaganda against Putin/Russia, and believe Russia doesn’t need to defend itself from US diminishment.
War on Russia being stupid is not Trump support. His neocon cabinet supports ending it just to make just as stupid or stupider wars on Iran and China. When progressive brains suddenly turn on war by an R president being bad again, some hope exists for America. That hope has a history of failing, but the complete dementia of believing CIA/State Department’s only instance of innocence in the last 70 years is a Ukraine colour revolution where 0 “Maidan liberals” got into government is an insanity that must be dispelled.
UniversalMonk was permananned. They tried to evade the ban with other accounts, but those also got the ban hammer.
OH that’s the other guy lmao, I remembered anti and another that was big on the bluemaga BS but completely forgot what his user was lol
Can’t believe it took that long to get the permaban lolol
I just looked at my history and so many of these fucks deleted their posts and just peaced.
Getting banned on 10/31 might have something to do with it too. ;)
So uhhh, I went to check their accound, and they’re still posting? Not only that, they were banned from this community a while ago.
Like can you guys look up stuff before claiming anything?
I did, they hadn’t made a comment for 15 days when I checked
Libs like to ban people and then celebrate silence as a win.
Republicans doing it too doesn’t contradict what they said.
shhh, you’re on .world, you don’t want to anger the liberals or you’ll get labelled a russian bot
I blocked so many accounts over the past few months. The propaganda posters were freaking everywhere.
The one from ! who was screeching (literally) all day every day for months about “BlUe MAgA” this “Both sides are the same” that and constantly telling people to vote for Jill Stein and how you shouldn’t “vote for genocide” as if Drump was the better choice.
Suddenly stopped after the election lmao
It was so plain to see once you get past the “fee-fees” of the bullshit. Patently obvious to anyone with a shred of humanism.
Suddenly stopped after the
electionban lmaoI’m still here, the Democrats lost so bad that all the protest votes combined couldn’t close the difference.
Democrats let more people get kicked off Medicaid by “ending COVID” than they lost by too.
If you want to be considered the “lesser evil” option maybe get less innocent people killed in your term.
If you want to be considered the “lesser evil” option maybe get less innocent people killed in your term.
Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what the lesser evil of abstention gives us! Nothing like enabling genocide of minorities in America, am I right?
Now: “Um ACKCHULLY we’re a tiny majority so we’re not responsible for this, k bye!”
Further, over 25 million people were disenrolled from Medicaid during unwinding, even though overall enrollment only declined by about 13 million people.
As of 6:50 a.m. ET on Nov. 7, Trump had 72,641,564 popular votes and Harris had 67,957,895. Trump currently leads Harris by approximately 4.6 million votes.
3 times as many people got kicked off medicaid under Biden as Harris lost by. Maybe try reading what I’m saying next time.
Who am I kidding, you’ll never learn anything from this.
you’ll never learn anything from this.
And you’re incapable of taking responsibility for the contribution you made to the shit show we’re about to have. All you guys have done since the election is blame everything else, pathetic.
Your party is in power, it gets held responsible.
I’m not here to make you feel better about their mistakes
Further proving my point they’re you’re unable to take responsibility for your contributions to the shit show. Either that or you’re just a straight up MAGAt going through buyers remorse.
This subreddit is pretty ban-happy and unaware of itself, “trolling or worse”, but I can confirm that at least on reddit, I went back to see what a user who claimed Trump would be better for Palestinians than Kamala now that it is clearer what is going to happen, and the user had been deleted although the comment remained.
There are astroturfing and troll factories active throughout all social networks that people are too dumb to acknowledge, they seem to expect straight up propaganda posters. The worst thing is, they probably have lists of people and timezones they should focus on, and their participation is so targeted that your comment calling out their flagrant manipulation doesn’t matter no matter how many upvotes it gets. They are probably even able to identify who users are across networks based on participation patterns alone.
They were contractually obligated to spin the loss before they got the last paycheck
I’ll just go ahead and save this post to share during the next election to hopefully help encourage others to tune out the new ones that will show up.
Hahaha fantastic
This is QAnon-level shit, but on the center right.
Nay, Leon told Putin to cut government to half.
Hm… Linkerbaan hasn’t posted in a month.
Wonder what happened to all that fervor for Palestinians.
Edit: evidently they were banned from .world so I can’t see their stuff from here, even if I go to the account directly.
They posted yesterday.
This is what I see when I tap that link.
The reason you don’t see them is because a .world admin banned them.
Oh wow… as much as I disagree with them, I actually don’t block, personally.
I don’t like that that is how blocking works on Lemmy.
Their main account was perma-banned.
Lol Americans calling themselves anti colonialists is like a slave owner saying he loves black people