This is kinda blowing my mind right now.
I know generation bounds can be inconsistent, but I’m using this as the guideline:
That puts Clinton, W, Obama, and Trump all as Baby Boomers and Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and HW all as Greatest Generation.
This is an entirely too rigid definition of generation. Biden was born in 1942. Clinton, W, and Trump were all born in 1946.
Your fact that those three were all born the same year is what I’m finding interesting.
Generational boundaries are all made up anyway. A lot of people put Obama in Gen X being born in 1961, while the linked graph steadfastly places anyone before 1965 as a Boomer.
Or all the “elder millennials” that are actually Gen X, like bro, 1980 is not a millennial. You were 20 when Y2K happened.
I was 16 when y2k happened. I’m definitely a Millenial.
Correct. If you couldn’t legally vote when Y2K happened and thought the Power Rangers were cool and not a kids show, you’re a millennial.
I wanted to be the White Ranger so bad.
Green ranger for me, but yes. :-D
You mean blowing your ear?