Thanks to the in ! for the inspiration!
Yes, in a month the linux share will be above 10000% of steam users.
bounded exponential growth is also a form of exponential growth
Wow I never even thought to ask - does SteamVR work on Linux? Like the Valve Index in particular? I’ve been meaning to switch but Windows’ HDR support has been holding me back. If there isn’t a good distro for VR that could be another factor
I have been using steamvr on linux since a while now, getting close to the mythical 1000h playtime. while it mostly works on paar with windows, there is a single drawback that might make it impossible for people to play on linux, being async. Which works on amd, but isnt supported by nvidia drivers.
While that isnt really a problem in openvr if you can maintain your headsets display refresh rate or in games without a lot of movement (example vrchat), its missing in nvidia drivers results people with an nvidia card not being able to play any openxr games (example newer versions of beatsaber), as openxr hard depends on it. Stupidly enough, openxr games still work with async disabled, but refuse to if your drivers dont support it
Guess I’ll add Nvidia drivers to the list of things holding me back lol
Maybe I’ll dual boot and keep all my HDR, Anti-cheat-riddled, and VR games on Windows and put everything else on Linux
2024 is the year of Linux desktop!