If your cat doesn’t have a undertone of “probably has satan on speed dial” your cat is doing a fantastic job of hiding their true nature and you need to be concerned for your safety because that cat has a mission.
I get it’s a joke, but I hear it so much, it makes me question what some of y’all are doing to your cats that this is the go-to joke.
I’ve owned a lot of cats, as have my friends and family. They’re all chill, and most open to affection. It’s very rare to find one of these “Satan” cats. I legitimately can’t keep my cats off me. I almost wish they hated me sometimes because their constant badgering for pets can get a little annoying.
It’s vastly more that dog owners have a fetish for self-congratulation and constantly have to sniff their own farts over how special and perfect their “fur babies” are.
Where do y’all keep finding all these cats that suck
Ours are fucking stoked to see us and a lot of fun.
If your cat doesn’t have a undertone of “probably has satan on speed dial” your cat is doing a fantastic job of hiding their true nature and you need to be concerned for your safety because that cat has a mission.
I get it’s a joke, but I hear it so much, it makes me question what some of y’all are doing to your cats that this is the go-to joke.
I’ve owned a lot of cats, as have my friends and family. They’re all chill, and most open to affection. It’s very rare to find one of these “Satan” cats. I legitimately can’t keep my cats off me. I almost wish they hated me sometimes because their constant badgering for pets can get a little annoying.
It’s vastly more that dog owners have a fetish for self-congratulation and constantly have to sniff their own farts over how special and perfect their “fur babies” are.