Cue the “Violation of muh rights”
Who brings drugs to an all you can do drug party? It like bring a porno to a porno shoot.
My old housemate was heading to Amsterdam for the weekend with some friends and the one friend stayed over at our flat the night before so they could leave early and I shit you not she was asking what drugs to take with them. Through the damn airports.
We had to tell her to not try anything because she will most likely get caught and she’ll most likely be able to get what she wants over there.
These people exist.
People are fucking dumb, what else can you say?
Like that dumb basketball lady who brought weed into Russia, what the fuck did you think was going to happen lol
Fucking moron.
I absolutely love that she’s a “12-time Grammy nominee”. If she had ever won, they would’ve said that instead.
I don’t think I understand what you’re getting at; it makes sense that they would’ve called her a Grammy winner if she’d won a Grammy.
She’s bragging about losing 12 times.
It’s pretty cool for an artist to be nominated for a grammy. I don’t know anything about this artist other than recognizing her name, but it’s legit to list those nominations in your credentials. It’s a real accomplishment.
True, I’m just being an ass because I don’t like her.
Taking bags without your consent is kind of airport security’s deal. They’re explicitly allowed to do that.