Capture and kill…
The only thing better than owning the competition, is putting them out of business.
So they buy studios that compete, fire all the workers, keep the IPs, and call it a day.
If we enforced anti-monoply laws this wouldn’t be a thing. But monopolies dontate a lot of money to politicians so they say monopolies aren’t a big deal.
Microsoft has been a fucking blight on gaming. Paid online, and timed exclusives both started there. No resale if we didn’t throw a massive fit about it. Buying up studios to kill them. I mean Sony has their share of being fucks as well, but at least they’re making good games. Microsoft has barely any decent games the last 2 generations, and hellblade 2 which is looking great was a Sony game that they had to buy and make exclusive.
Microsoft has barely any decent games the last 2 generations
I remember buying the XBox and only ever owning Halo for years, because the rest of the library was utter shit. Then Halo got too popular and Microsoft had to gut the talent and sell the husk for scraps.
I feel quite certain that this was the plan all along.
Shit like this should cause the purchased entity to revert to prior ownership without refund to the purchaser.