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The original was posted on /r/aboringdystopia by /u/lowen0005 on 2023-10-03 03:28:53.
I don’t understand the increasingly aggressive ads. When I see a company advertising heavily I get sketched out and assume they have subpar product.
If these are drones and someone does this irl I’m going to shoot them down
Drone-based sky projections/light shows typically use hundreds or thousands of them. Good luck.
Full terrorist might be a bit much, but I wouldn’t be opposed to punching holes in packaging of the advertised products.
If the trend caught on at a large enough scale to just mildly vandalize space-billboard products, that shit would stop in a hurry.
…hell we should do that with regular billboards too - gimme my scenery back!
Billboards really ought to be illegal.
Full terrorist might be a bit much
I disagree. A society that sells the night sky to private interest deserves to burn.
…on second thought… yeah.
you say terrorism bad then advise terrorism lol, I propose a solution to this conundrum:
- Terrorizing bourgeoisie = good
- Terrorizing proletariat = bad
With any luck, hackers will turn them into penises
Or a 9/11 recreation
This is the first time I’ve seen the original tweet without Johnny Silverhand
So what do you think is going on in the prime universe?
It’s never too early to be an eco-terrorist