Hopefully that swap is on an SSD, otherwise that query may not ever finish lol
Once you’re deep into swap, things can get so slow that there’s no recovering from it.You really need to index your tables. This has all the hallways of a Cartesian cross product.
A very very badly written one no doubt…
Why stop at just one full table scan?
In a database course I took, the teacher told a story about a company that would take three days to insert a single order. Thing was, they were the sort of company that took in one or two orders every year. When it’s your whole revenue on the line, you want to make sure everything is correct. The relations in that database were checked to hell and back, and they didn’t care if it took a week.
Though that would have been in the 90s, so it’d go a lot faster now.
What did they produce? Cruiseships?
We have a company like that here somewhere. When they have one job a year, they have to reduce hours, if they have two, they are doing OK, and if they have three, they have to work overtime like mad. Don’t ask me what they are selling, though. It is big, runs on tracks, and fixes roads.
I dunno why I didn’t realize you can add more swap to a system while running. Nice trick for a dire emergency.
It’s Linux it’s made by people with a brain.
Even better, you can
swap too!
I don’t want to see the EXPLAIN for that query. This person really needs to learn more about sql, I’d wager.
The image doesn’t load.
I posted that 10 months ago.
That being said, it seems to still work for me.