Upgrade your user agent with this one weird trick!
You can install a useragent switcher extension for the browser
Fuck Pearson. Absolute leeches on society.
Have to go their testing centers for certifications. Place feels so damn sterile I wanna die, and the buzz of the fluorescent tubes is just…
Place feels like the Backrooms but with less yellow
Upgrade, ha?
OK, time to install TempleOS.
Hey, at least it told you. When i was fiddling to get disney plus working on my own setup it just refused to play until i changed the reported OS to windows. Nothing else was changed. I really have no idea why they would go out of their way to block specific operating systems.
The reason is DRM. Windows supports some baked in DRM that Linux doesn’t.
They just whitelist few of the “supported”, operating systems. The message says what your OS is because it blindly read that from the UA.
Pearson is stupid, but for homework you can get around it by changing your user agent. For proctoring you have to actually boot into windows though
I don’t think you even need to do that, just click remind me later
Software gore? Actually more likely software cringe.
EDIT: I think this one is more fit !assholedesign@lemmy.world