But it is strangely absent in real life. Every single day of this year has set a record for the highest surface temperature for the ocean for the date. The amount of energy required to heat that much water is incomprehensible. Which I guess is why I can still get out of bed in the morning and go to work instead of just panicking.
The whole experience is surreal. Like being conscious and clinical as you watch someone dissect you. Ah yes, that must be my parietal peritoneum.
But it is strangely absent in real life. Every single day of this year has set a record for the highest surface temperature for the ocean for the date. The amount of energy required to heat that much water is incomprehensible. Which I guess is why I can still get out of bed in the morning and go to work instead of just panicking.
The whole experience is surreal. Like being conscious and clinical as you watch someone dissect you. Ah yes, that must be my parietal peritoneum.