The door on the closet this guy is trapped in is shaking on its hinges…
The door on the closet this guy is trapped in is shaking on its hinges…
90% of them were Russian/ Iranian/ Chinese/ North Korean trolls or bots. They got what they wanted, so it’s on to the next thing. Probably undermining support for Ukraine.
hmm unfortunately for this plan everything nuclear is a bit more difficult for the President to do willy nilly.
less dangerous but more funny would be for him to resign and let Harris be the 47th President. you know Trump and his cult have plowed millions into “47” merch that would suddenly become worthless to them.
(there are a lot of things that he can do that SCOTUS has preemptively granted him immunity for, though…)
I have qualms about casting Harris as a “career” politician. He first election for DA was in 2003. To get from running for DA to running for US President in 21 years is a very short ride. She was born in 1964.
Hell, Trump ran for President (Reform Party) in 2000, so he’s been a “politician” longer than Harris. So if she’s a “career politician,” then so is he.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being a politician for a long time, as long as the politician is serving her constituents to their satisfaction and avoids corruption.
hey look buddy I’ve got some amazing advice for OP over here but I had another OP call me 10 minutes ago asking for the exact same advice so I’m gonna need you to make a decision right away.
What I don’t get about this is why in this day and age with all the analytics tools we have do companies continue to just happily pay for simple eyeball exposure?
The only time they seem to have any pause at all on this model is if people post screenshots of ads for their products next to posts literally praising Nazis.
These so called AIs (LLMs) can learn to tell the difference between positive/happy/uplifting posts, neutral posts, and angry/sad/disturbing posts. The advertisers should be asking for their products to be featured next to the first and second groups of posts.
People engage based on anger, sure. They click posts and reply and whatnot. But do they click the ad next to a post that pisses them off and then buy the product?
Or is this purely a subconscious intrusion effort? Do the advertisers just want their products in front of eyeballs regardless of what’s around the ad? It seems like the answer is “no” when they’re called out. But maybe it’s “yes” if they can get away with it?
Clearly these scientists don’t know what it’s like to be an awkward monk seal just trying to fit in…
Is this a permission versus forgiveness example?
Of course, now that Ukraine asked for permission and NATO (not just the US) said “no,” if they deliberately attack that’s extremely bad.
I think Cheney and most pre-Gingrich Republicans have a commitment to the preservation of the Constitution and the Republic. Once Gingrich the philanderer came in and switched the Republican Party into all partisanship mode, things changed and people who don’t put the Constitution first started seeping into the party.
Cheney was an establishment in the party long before that, so he still has those values.
But a commitment to preserve and defend the Constitution is probably the only thing I have in common with him. I welcome him insofar as that. Harris will do that. Trump will not.
For example, I don’t think it’s cool to shoot your friends in the face with a shotgun. Also I’m not a big fan of wars for oil.
It would be wild if stuff like this is some proof of life after death.
Hey as long as the CCP doesn’t send troops and equipment into Taiwan, they have nothing to worry about.
When a foreign country invades, it’s absolutely fair by all rules of warfare to strike back inside their borders and even capture or destroy their territory.
When it’s time for hostilities to conclude, that captured/destroyed land can make a good “demilitarized zone” perhaps overseen by an international peacekeeping force.
Oh I call the cables I use to wire up my controllers “suicide cords” because it’s just the hot, neutral, and ground hanging out one end, waiting to touch me…
Guys I found JD’s Lemmy account…
The behavior doesn’t stop but it does start with the crazy growth spurt in height that is pretty unique to teenage boys (AMAB). Suddenly things that were way out of reach become reachable, like in the course of 6 months.
Dat cough he had in North Carolina today jeeeeesus I’ve had a cough like that before and the cold that goes with it is an ass kicker.
I think this would be different for someone not on parole. So like if you’re just speeding and get pulled over I believe they would be violating the law/Constitution if they forced your thumb against your phone.
But they probably do it anyway so good idea to follow the lock down above in this thread.
(Also don’t use electronics to do crimes y’all.)
Probably with a FOSS alternative but with the owner class working is to death for below survival wages who has the time?
I read a pretty convincing article title and subheading implying that the best use for so called “AI” would be to replace all corporate CEOs with it.
I didn’t read the article but given how I’ve seen most CEOs behave it would probably be trivial to automate their behavior. Pursue short term profit boosts with no eye to the long term, cut workers and/or pay and/or benefits at every opportunity, attempt to deny unionization to the employees, tell the board and shareholders that everything is great, tell the employees that everything sucks, …
well obviously we should make this groundbreaking new approach available to anyone who wants it alongside traditional vaccines.
then we can just require proof of vaccination or this new alternative - let’s call it “inoculation” for now - for school attendance.