Any recommendations to check out?
Any recommendations to check out?
Tangentially related, press your tongue as flat as possible against the roof of you mouth to speed up recovery from brain freeze.
Ahh, the ol’ Executive mandated happy ending.
Well shit, my bad. Fixed, thanks!
It’s from an old Penny Arcade, Ctrl+Alt+Del, often mocked for its sudden melodramatic tone in an otherwise silly comic series:
No, good sir, I’m on the level.
You’ll be given cushy jobs!
It glides as softly as a cloud.
The doctor was a woman.
Good point, after barely eeking out reelection, Tester has definitely been going harder this year.
It kinda is, actually. I’m from Montana, and he’s a lock, though we may be going blue with our governor, so maybe that’s more what it’s for? Seems like a pretty big waste of energy for 3 electoral votes.
Perhaps they’re attached to the metaphorical walls the woman in blue has put up in the relationship, thus contributing to the man’s wandering eye?
Ohh, that makes sense, thanks.
I am a little confused why that handle doesn’t appear to be attached to anything.
You’re closer than you think:
Looks like Maxwell Smart lost his shoe!
Right on, that all sounds like my jam. Thanks for the tip!