Bombed Civilans of foreign countries with drone strikes…how hopeful.
Bombed Civilans of foreign countries with drone strikes…how hopeful.
Almost like learning online has been better quality sense ever.
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Something existing for the sake of existing does not make it useful.
anything from the ever expanding list of of “Notice me, Im so diffrent” bullshit.
Didnt have pointless pronouns.
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The trick from what i understand is that you have got to follow your own intrests and go at your own pace, with ADHD if your forced into something its a massive drage mentally, emotionally and even spiritually.
Best to break down a problem into.
What is the problem?
how is the problem effecting me?
Whats the simplest way to solve the problem?
Yet the exact forms of egotistical " intelligence" seem to be incharge.
Im not a beliver in Politcal parties.
It’s a false dichotomy.
People are always arguing about both sides of this losy dichotomy but it never really matters because government actors themselves will always centralize these Concepts and pollute them with corruption.
Actors means politcal people such as politicians legislators, etc.
The reason they are both lies is because they cannot truly be practiced when governments exist because they just co-opt they take control over it through avert or subvert means.
It doesnt matter what you belive, do, or feel becuase the reality is that these Economical social political Approches will aways be targeted by politcal grifters.
We see this in capitalism with the illusion of free choice, Everything is regulated by Government agencies, so everything tends to be predetermined. so things that challange the system tend to be made illegal, or simply impossible to afford through bottlenecking via artifically inflated pricing.
The problem is that most people dont bother looking into regulations, and such becuase they are braindead idiots assuming they are for safty and not social engineering.
Communism is easily Highjacked because all they really need to do is lead a coup, reciting some communist ideas such as works working for themselfs instead of the slavery with extra steps we find our selfs in now, and simply kill off the Consperitors when you gain power.
We see this with Communism all the time.
The reason these things are done is becuase unchecked civilians are a massive threat to governmental models all over the world, we seen the early days of capitalism impact on thw world, have you noticed it slowing down in all but a few sectors?
Anything thats a threat will be infiltrated regardless of whether it is actually the political agents themselves doing so or their mindless pawns.
My point is that the communism versus capitalism narrative is simply a false dichotomy designed to distract from the fact that politicians actively corrode and corrupt a nation and so it is ran into the ground.
What if i told you the idea that capitalism and communism are both lies that end in similar Distopias?
What on earth is this meme?