Would that be better for my system with a 4090 than Ubuntu? I’ve got Nvidia drivers installed now, but perhaps switching would be more of a pain.
This was it for me, entirely. Deadlines were my drug.
Thank you, that is reassuring. I guess I will bring it up to my physician at the next appointment.
How did you pursue the sleep lab? Hypersomnia is still ruining my life…
Ditto. I’ve tried “coffee naps” but with tea. I just end up sleeping through it.
Was that documentary called Arcane, by any chance?
It’s mind boggling to me how many people don’t even use desktops anymore. Or do “serious” things like buy plane tickets on their phone. The younger generation is almost entirely phone-only.
Considering people kept using Windows XP well after EOL… yup.
It was a distraction tactic and they fell for it brilliantly.
You’re on a federated website, but think what we need is more centralized marketplaces?